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Sacred Sex

Created in collaboration with Coach Nic, this series reclaims sacred imagery and heals the religious wounds and trauma that gay and bisexual men have experienced around sex and sexuality. With videos inspired by the sacraments and popular bible stories, these videos are a celebration our our bodies, our souls and our pleasure.

Summer of Love

Hookups get a bad rap as disposable sex. In reality, hookups can be a powerful tool for pleasure, connection, healing and/or just plain old fun. "Summer of Love" is a celebration of hookups at a unique moment in time, when people - long separated by a global pandemic - are starting to reconnect and explore erotic activities that were curtailed for more than a year. There is pent up demand for love, sex, pleasure and touch - and this series sets out to capture it authentically. In "Summer of Love", we will see three real hookups with real New Yorkers in their real homes. Directed by Cherry Brice Jr and facilitated by tantric sex coach Brad Amberheart.

Transmuting Taboo

Filmed in North Carolina, the goal of our transmuting taboo series is to allude, via the canvas of cinema, the proximity every human being has to be welcomed, understood, connected to, and remembered by spirits beyond and people present as familial influences in magnetism, character and metabolized healing. To honor our past partners erotically, platonically, imaginatively, and spiritually.

Gore & Gold

No matter where we have originated on the planet, life in a human body demands a dual process of understanding and accepting paradox: the unifying spiritual task of embodying a divided world. Each of us contains within us a continuum of truth - dividing ourselves into good and evil, light and dark, virtuous and violent, holy and profane, gore and gold. To embrace paradox is to resist taking sides within our fragmented experiences but to rest in the tension of opposites.

New Mexico Retreat

In the high desert of New Mexico, a group of gay and bisexual men came together under a shared vision of connection and sexual exploration while navigating a global pandemic that has deprived many men of touch. This retreat was facilitated by tantric sex coach Brad Amberheart.

Everyday Kink

Sure, kink is fun to experience in basements and dungeons. But dark rooms, leather and chains can make kink feel inaccessible to some audiences. In Himeros.tv's "Everyday Kink" series , we take kink out of the shadows and into the light - so that everyone can enjoy its many benefits. Kink can be a powerful tool for self discovery, exploration, pleasure and fun for all people.

Sex When

In collaboration with Jason Tantra of Tantra4GayMen, "Sex When" is a six-part series that explores uses sex as a way to transform our emotions and understand the underlying motives behind the sex that we have.

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