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Added: June 27, 2022 | Runtime: 12:46 | 29,254 views

The Mass is an ancient Christian rite of worship memorializing the Last Supper. It's a ritual meal during which the congregation is offered the body and blood of Christ in the form of bread and wine. But the Mass has even older, pagan roots in which gods or figures of divine worship were ritually 'consumed' by their followers, sometimes in the form of animal sacrifice. In our video, the object of worship is a beautiful young man's body on the altar of Eros. Notice that Troye, the object of worship, is very detailed about what he wants, about what he desires. He asks for what he wants throughout the entire ritual. Based on his desires, he requests touch to those parts of his body where he wants attention, and those parts of his body where he requires worship by his attendant priests, Ray and Jack. In a manner more real than symbolic, they 'eat him up'! But they respond only to his desires and give him what he wants. In the end, they devour him, his cum, his flesh, in a ritual that symbolizes complete union with him. Our sex can be an act of worship, of ritual consumption of the lover, who honestly shares his desires with us while we seek to fulfill those desires in our own intimate ways.

Video concept by Coach Nic: https://www.mindfulpleasurepractice.com

Recent Comments:
That is the sexiest video that you have produced, Davey. Congratulations to Coach Nic for his input. My “peter“ stirred in the first scene and exploded at the same time Troye did. Too bad that Jack and Ray did not ejaculate; that would have made it even hotter. Added it to one of my favorites. Well done. Congratulations. Gives a whole different perspective of a “sexual spirituality.” The god Eros and his mother, Aphrodite, must be very pleased.
I am not a critical person and I respect other peoples likes and dislikes. But this video did nothing for me. It kind of made me uncomfortable, but that is just me. I love the work that Himeros produces. I know there are people who will like this video and I respect that. Different strokes for different folks. This video was just not my cup of tea. Anxiously awaiting the next video.
3 beautiful boys in an erotic display of being the object of desire and who's commands you must obey. wow this was hot!
Awesome. And beautifully lit.
I have a mixed review of this. In general, I like the idea that Coach Nic and Himeros are developing relating the sacraments to erotic life. The sticking point for me comes down to the use of symbols. Symbols are powerful, particularly if they are deeply related to the emotional life of the user or viewer. If, for example, you were to do a series on American patriotic themes, I think some of the symbols, for example the flag, would be more than a piece of material, but would inevitably blend with what they signify--let's call it the integrity of the country (an abstraction, quite apart from current political reality). If somehow the flag, let's say, became a cum rag, there might be some who'd be positively stirred by it, some who'd applaud the debasing of the symbol, and some who'd find it, let's say, inappropriate or distasteful. You get my point. When you bring into play specifically religious symbols like cross, Bible, and altar, that have specific religious and quite likely spiritual significance (negative or positive), they provoke strong reactions. No amount of demythologizing or deconstructing can erase that. The same would be true if you were to choose, say, the setting of a Bar Mitzvah and you did a similar number with the Sacred Torah scrolls. I wonder what would happen if you downplayed specific symbols, and instead took a table, some food for a meal, were less literal about the connection, but did exactly the same thing with the actors--with no changes. My hunch is that the point would be well made (particular if you called it "Mass" or even "Communion") and let the "consumption of the body" be the focus. You create enough of a religious atmosphere with window and bell (much more general symbols) and thus don't really more to make the connection and your point.
That was nice. The desire was obviously mutual.
Well written jonathancircle. You explained eloquently what I could not find the words to say. All I could convey was it made me uncomfortable. Without actually saying it, it was the bible, cross and Catholic like church setting including the church attire that just did not do it for me. But that is just me and I realize many people it will not bother at all. I wasn't offended, I just didn't care for it. I try to be very careful how I say things because one of my comments in the past got chastised by one of the backstage guys when I meant nothing negative. It kind of made me gun shy but I got over that. Anyway I really like Himeros and not every segment will be liked by all. That is totally understandable.
Now that is a religion I would join.
I think it needs to be said that this video can be very triggering to abuse victims. The USA has endured years of sexual abuse to young boys by members of the clergy. So you should reconsider doing anymore videos with cleric figures central in the plot. The various ways to give anal pleasure should be utilized again including access to and stimulating he prostate just not with priest like figures performing the acts.
The candles were too tall for the glasses.... other than that.......!
As a Catholic by birth, I see Christ came to the altar in prime condition at 30 years old, and asked us to east his body and drink his blood.... and we are encouraged to venerate his naked body as seen on crucifixes in every room. The setting was not a Vatholic church as the windows and altar did not comply, so that makes it fine. My only gripe is that the candles were too tall for the processional candle sticks! Very good
I have always been a person of faith. I didn't't come out until later in my life because of my faith. This video made me remember when I was a pre-adolescent, I would get a hard on when they did a baptism at my southern Baptist church.
Troye has a perfect body and is beautifully circumcised. The other guys give him what he wants and that culminates in a deep, intense and fulfilling ejaculation.
Very spiritual/erotic. Take and eat. This is my body given for you Taste and see that the Lord is good to me. As the Father is in me and I am in the Father. So I am in you and you are in me, My cup overflows You anoint my head with oil
What is frog meadow?
Davey Wavey
A bed and breakfast for gay men.
Davey, Do you remember in which film we learn he is a priest near the end?
Davey Wavey
It's called "Hung on the Cross" and features Nico Nova :)

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