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Loved Him

Added: April 26, 2021 | Runtime: 18:49 | 21,631 views

The two lovers you’ll meet in this video got together one cold day in November 2020—right at the height of a global pandemic—to fuck for a purpose: The memory of their friends who had died... not in the current pandemic, but in the one before.

We have come a long way as a culture of gay men, who lost so many members of our community between 1982 and the present day. Some say that when we’ve learned what we needed to learn from a trauma or challenge, it passes; whatever we didn’t fully learn or integrate comes up again in the form of a new challenge. What have we learned as a culture of gay men who witnessed the loss of so many friends? What have we learned… and what do we still have left to learn now?

Tantra, ultimately, is a marriage of opposites.

The video you’re about to see stands as hard evidence that we’re not done grieving, yet it also stands as a perhaps unprecedented testimony to the REALITY that even the deepest well of grief—when properly acknowledged and embraced—can become a wellspring for joyful, ecstatic sexual fun and deep, soulful erotic connection.

Video concept by Brad Amberheart: http://www.bradamberheart.com

Recent Comments:
A very touching and sad remembrance of a tragic time in history when aids came on the scene and took the lives of many people. Ed should win the Academy Award for his portrayal of those times. It was a very loving and touching scene. The way Marck listened, cuddled, kissed and held him while he was talking about it was so warm. And Ed saying he was alive because of his fear was very truthful sounding. Adding the touch of mumbling the Tina Turner song was so nice. The way Marck reintroduced Ed to a sexual experience was loving, gentle and chilling all at the same time. The ecstasy Ed portrayed with his sexual experience sent chills up my spine. I felt exactly what he was experiencing. For me personally I would have liked to have seen at the end Marck making love to Ed's cock with gentle sucking until he came just Like Will Tantra did with Calvin Banks in the Journeys Episode Four episode. That wasn't just oral sex, it was making love to his cock which too was bone chilling. I loved this current scene and it is so great to see all of the subjects you tackle. I know people keep talking about your lighting techniques and it is true. The richness of the color in this scene was beautiful. One last thing, the chest punches from Marck at the end was awesome.
Davey Wavey
Thanks for your wonderful feedback, as always. However, your mention of Ed winning an academy award implies that this was acting. It wasn't; this was not scripted. We captured this very real moment between two men sharing their actual experiences.
Such an amazing connection. Such incredible vulnerability. The interaction between Ed and Marck felt authentic and was sexy as fuck! This has got to be one of the most tender beautiful videos ever produced!
Davey, I did not realize this was his real life experience. I did not get from the synopsis it was a real part of his life or I overlooked it. You guys do such a good job of being real I just assumed he was acting. That fact makes it all the more touching. It was such a beautiful story between two men and it has truly touched me even more knowing it wasn't acting. Thank you for telling me. Ed seems like a beautiful gentle man. So does Marck. Even when I thought they were acting it left me with a sad but sweet feeling. And the sex they had together and the feeling it left me with is hard to describe. I truly love you guys and totally happy and proud to be a member of Himeros. Davey, you are an awesome guy.
I loved the scene. These are the stories which should be captured and passed down to the younger generation of gay men as some don't know what happened, some knew it was happening but didn't fully understand the full impact as they were too young, and those that went through the depths of it, are not getting any younger. This is actual a historical recording of two persons lived experiences. Beautiful scene of two men sharing how a lived experience impacted them, and then celebrating survival by sharing a very erotic and intimate moment. The only negative comment I would have is that their were parts that were difficult to hear. Still a beautiful scene, but i just thought I would share. Thanks Davey and crew.
Davey, this might be the most courageous video you've produced yet. The boundary between sex and death, the borderlands of joy and grief, are tender and fragile. Videos like this are light years away from entertainment, plumbing the depths of human, and in this case masculine, experience. This was elegiac poetry on screen. Thanks is far too small a response.
Davey, I'm sorry to keep writing but I just watched and LISTENED to this again under headphones. To understand the beauty and tenderness of this video you have to listen and savor every word, whisper and sigh. Don't just watch casually, listen carefully. It just melts me away with loving tenderness and emotion. And knowing it was real life encounters makes it so personal. I just felt for those guys and wanted to comfort them too. To hear the stories of how those patients were treated back then is atrocious. Thank you for bring this to life. Now that I have totally listed to every word I would not change a thing. You can't improve on perfection. That was the most loving and gentle sex two men could ever have.
Ah, Davey, I've told you before how much I honor and respect what you're doing for gay men through this site, but this video is a perfect example of your bravery and commitment to sacred sexuality and the Erotic Bodies of all of us in the gay community. Marck is the perfect Sacred Intimate in this beautiful scene of lovemaking: he creates a safe space for Ed to be able to share his feelings of loss and his vulnerability, and then he allows that to flow so easily and appropriately into a deep, intimate sharing of sex. This is the Sacred Intimate that I strive to be and it's so wonderful to see those qualities in action. I love you, Ed and Marck. Keep doing what you are doing! Many blessings on your work.
The active camera technique that worked so well for last week’s video wasn’t as good for this touching scene. Too many video “lies” are there and distracted me. I think a more traditional kind of cinematography would have worked better.
Hey Davey. Tell us how your mushroom experience went on the podcast.
This moved me to tears.. I could tell that this was genuine and real. Having lost so so many friends to AIDS in the 80's this is a testament to survival and that there is still love no matter what age you are!! Thank you for this video and all that you do❤
What a beautiful, gorgeous, magnificent, and outstanding portrayal of loss, love, unconditional support and care, confidence, sadness, and many other powerful elements!! ❤️
One of my favorite scenes so far! It's wonderful to see men of a certain age (my age) experiencing this. Thank you for including guys who are not your typical porn fodder. Of course the young, muscular guys are fun to watch too, but I can relate to these two men more.
Great pairing, like seeing the older man in Himeros TV videos, they add a lot. Genuine feeling, two people listening, holding, caring for one another. Not just gay porn. Very effective piece. Have yet to watch one that isn't.
I'm just crying..............
Its not in reality like that. Grief is soul destroying. It tuns you into a zombie. You can't talk about it, you want to run away from it. You need psychiatric help. I know, I am still suffering 8 years after loosing my soul mate.
Davey Wavey
This is reality for the two men in the video.
What an amazing video. Thank you and thank the two men for sharing themselves with us.
Absolutely Beautiful

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