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Behind The Scenes: Coach Nic

Added: August 24, 2021 | Runtime: 06:40 | 20,409 views

Starting September 6, we'll be releasing 11 Himeros.tv films as part of our "Sacred Sex" project facilitated by Coach Nic. To get you excited for these upcoming films, I'm pleased to share a behind the scenes look at Coach Nic, our process and our models. Moreover, we hope it helps convey the intention behind this boundary-pushing project.

More about Coach Nic: https://www.mindfulpleasurepractice.com

Recent Comments:
Coach Nic"s work may be some of the most important mental and spiritual work of our time. As a christian man, I can only imagine how comforting it might be to worship and congregate in celebration of our true selves. Being brought up in the Baptist church, I was taught to find a wife and be married. I married at 19 knowing I preferred boys. 39 years later, I sleep in my own bed and have my own sex life. I have been practicing my solo sex life for more than 10 years now. I have written my own private learning tutorial called "Self Love Solo Sex". I have become proficient at satisfying my desire and thurst for pleasuring my body the way I believe it was meant to be pleasured. The uphoria and satisfaction I experience on a very regular basis allows me to live my life with my wife/friend, my grown children and my friends in a normal manner. If you are wondering if I sometimes yearn for the touch and feel of another man, yes, I certainly do. However the mind is a very powerful tool and when I engage, yes engage in solo sex, it is an incredibly real and spiritual experience with shuddering results. I have actually learned to have, what I call, anal orgasm, and it is so beautiful to achieve and more satisfying than a "normal" male orgasm. Carry on men, and set your sexual being free ! Sincerely, Jeffrey
I am SO EXCITED for this series. It looks amazing. This is the type of project I want to be part of in the future.
Can’t wait for the series. “Coach Nic” is awesome and so full of wisdom. He makes it “cool” to be gay and spiritual. Thank you.
I've been awaiting this series since I first heard it mentioned. My own life is greatly similar to Coach Nic's. Jonathan's Circle is attempting in various ways to provide men safe spaces in which to practice their own wholeness through integrating sex and spirit. We'll continue to promote Himeros.tv videos as valuable resources for that process. I'd love for every man that I know to watch this video. Real? Absolutely! Both the issue addressed and the responses of those filmed. And most of all my own inner reaction as I watch and relate to scenes I know quite well. Frank
I can't wait for this series to begin.
Whether you are religious or not, this work is a true inspiration, thank you!
very excited for this series.
Sursum Corda et Corpora.
When does the series begin?
Davey Wavey
September 6!
This looks to be a great series.
Undoing the trauma from religious organizations on gay men is very important work. Kudos to Nic and Davey for embarking on such a deep and profound project! Very touching scenes in this piece.
What a lovely man
Coach Nic, you are finally showing what is the sense of catholic religion as Jesus taught his apostles. If God would not to see us naked together getting very deep love to another brothers, he would not to let us born nude. Jesus was enormously beautiful and attractive man with strong sexual aura. I like to get nude in the church with same guys and priest trying to follow Jesus together.

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