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BONUS: Jerry's Sacred Intimate Session

Added: January 30, 2020 | Runtime: 21:27 | 14,521 views

During our Easton Mountain retreat, tantric sex coach Brad Amberheart offered a sacred intimate session to Jerry.

A Sacred Intimate is a teacher who takes you step by step into feeling more comfort, connection and pleasure in your body. He guides you back to a state of recognizing, experiencing and enjoying your body sensations.

No two sacred intimate sessions are alike, and they're guided largely by the needs, emotions and desires of the client.

Concept by Brad Amberheart: http://www.bradamberheart.com

"What is a Sacred Intimate?" by Brad Amberheart

Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to walk into a room - a special place created just for you - and be greeted by a warm, compassionate, and fully-attentive male lover? It would be a place where you could simply walk in, leave your shoes, clothes, worries, and other baggage at the door, and just be who you are. Personally, I think we all need and deserve a place like that, and yet... where are these places?

People who create such places are called Sacred Intimates.

The shame, guilt, suffering and pain of the world seem to melt away when we are making love. Surely this must be one of the greatest gifts available to all of us living on this earth right now - to make love, unabashedly, with passion and delight... and with laughter and with tears.... but are we doing it? And if we're not doing it, then why not?

So far, there's no international directory of Sacred Intimates, so it might be time to learn how to BE sacred intimates for each other. We all can do this, and the latest videos we're seeing on Himeros are here to help us learn how to do it, starting right now!

Virtually every single new release we've been seeing on Himeros lately has modeled a depth of intimacy, connection, and pure primal expression we've never really seen before in porn until now! Still, there are some videos which really stand out as great examples of Sacred Intimacy, including (but definitely not limited to) Journeys Episode 4, Bound to Be Nurtured, Dream While You Fuck, Spank Me, Daddy, and most especially the new releases from the Easton Mountain retreat (with still many more to cum), including the luscious Kink Cabin, the breathtakingly intimate The Deep End, and yes - Jerry's Sacred Intimate Session.

So what's different or special about Jerry's Sacred Intimate Session?

Jerry's Sacred Intimate Session may very well be the first erotic video which captures a Sacred Intimate Session. A dedicated Session is highly intentional. Having a Sacred Intimate Session means that one man is there to give his full, undivided attention and support to the receiver to support him in whatever intention he brings, for the entire length of time that they are together for the session.

Jerry wanted to learn to be a better lover, and Brad agreed that no matter what they did - whether it was sucking, fucking, or grunting like apes - he was there to support Jerry in learning to be a better lover.

A lot of us been told that good sex means getting hard, staying hard, and getting the deed done. Somehow, we have allowed ourselves to actually believe that! Today, along with Jerry, we're being given an invitation to re-claim our passion, our sustenance, and our healing.

How does a sacred intimate session work? Simple. We come in. We leave our baggage and worries at the door. We close the door. One man helps another shed some of his exterior layers - which he may have needed in order to keep him safe in the world, but which he no longer needs here, now. He's safe with this man, a Sacred Intimate who is fully there to excite him, delight him, support him, and nourish him. The two men can consciously use their breath, their body and their vocal expression to bring them back home again, to this body, their true home. These gifts of breath, body, and voice are ones which we will take with us when we leave, and we can share them with other men, everywhere we go.

"But are you going to ____ me?" a man might say to his Sacred Intimate.

"That's totally possible!" a Sacred Intimate might say to the hungry recipient... AND a truly open and attentive Sacred Intimate really doesn't know the answer to that question until the moment arrives. All he knows is that if you want to experience joyful, ecstatic communion with another human being and are open to that happening in any of a number of ways, then you're in for a sweet ride!

Do you think a Sacred Intimacy session might be helpful to you at this point in your life's path? Click Here to read about the sacred intimacy sessions offered by Brad Amberheart and others, and learn how you can book one!

Recent Comments:
This is simply beautiful. Brad Amberheart has such a mesmerizing, disarming manner. And that voice! And depth of knowledge and empathy, compassion. Jerry is an inspiration and I am so grateful that he made himself vulnerable for this. Another Himeros venture into much needed new territory. Thank you!
As a 60 year old man who is trying to find my way back to sensual engagement and enjoyment, I found this video very interesting and informative. I think a day with a sacred intimate is something I desperately need.
Amazingly beautiful. I think this is the best video answer ever to the question "What does it look like to make love?"
Davey Wavey
Indeed. This video documents the creation of ecstatic pleasure and love between two people.
What a beautiful union to witness! I’m intrigued and fascinated my the concept of the Sacred Intimate. I believe this is something I can master in my own love life. Thanks Brad, you’re beautiful in spirit and demeanor! Thanks also to Davey, you’re an outstanding visionary.
this was beautiful would love more videos of these sessions
That is one of the most beautiful expressions of making love I've ever seen. Brad and Jerry are great. Brad is a true professional! Almost wants to make me go on the next retreat! It is truly a "sacred intimate session," almost (as some people might say) "sacramental." As a 69 year old gay man pretty much in the closet, it really gives me hope! THANK YOU!
Apparently I am missing something here. Maybe it's the brevity of the video vs. the time Brad and Jerry actually spent together, but I couldn't detect much intimacy here. We know what Jerry says he wants but we don't really know what Brad wants. Brad's voice certainly conveys warmth and it's obvious that Jerry is being pleasured but less obvious that Brad is actually receiving pleasure; and after all is that not the essence of intimacy, that there is reciprocity? Acknowledging that arousal means much more than a hardon, I don't understand what it means that with all that body contact, kissing, sucking and the rest nobody gets hard; nor do I see other signs of arousal in Brad. I need a lot more exploration to really "get" what is supposed to be happening here.
Davey Wavey
I'm glad you asked this. What you are witnessing is a sacred intimate session. Brad is the sacred intimate, which means that he is making himself - and his body - available to Jerry. It's not about what Brad wants; Brad set aside this time to be fully present for Jerry's needs. Brad is making himself available to serve Jerry and Jerry's wants, desires and needs. At a future time and date, there could be another video where Brad is the receiver.
Hi, after watching this video, well ... who wouldn't have a sacred intimate session!Wow! I was touched by the phrase that the best teachers are those who allow us to rediscover who we are and what we already know Beautiful video! Dear Davey and all the people that collaborate to himeros.tv, your artistic videos give us images that let us ask many questions to get closer and understand ourselves at many levels
Davey Wavey
Hey Raffy, thanks for the kind words. Our sexuality is very complex, and it's fun and exciting to create content that shows us a few more of its layers.
I loved this but can’t imagine it happening in the near future if ever. So sad.
This is so beautiful!

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