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Boy Love

Added: July 29, 2024 | Runtime: 13:15 | 17,065 views

"Boy Love" (BL) is an erotic genre originating in Japan that focuses on romantic and sexual relationships between male characters. It spans manga, anime, novels and live-action adaptations, exploring themes of love, desire and emotional connection. BL offers diverse representations of male-male relationships, appealing to a broad audience beyond its initial target demographic.

Lots of us have grown accustomed to harder, more aggressive images of men in porn. This video - with influences from the BL genre - was created as a reminder that softness, affection, tenderness and even expressions of love also hold a valuable place in gay erotica.

Concept inspired by Brad Amberheart: https://www.bradamberheart.com.

Filmed at the Jungle Gayborhood in Costa Rica.

Recent Comments:
Looking forward to this one!
I came to that before the flip. Enjoyed reading the context afterward
That was absolutely beautiful. What a tender expression of sex. More, please, Davey and Brad!
Boys do not have tattoos.
Davey Wavey
I'm not aware of this rule.
The thing that I really like about this is the context of dreaming or daydreaming. One of the boy loves, my first real love affair, was with a fellow who was busing tables alongside me during the summer before my senior year in high school. It was a tender love, shy, reserved, and limited to what we even knew was on the menu, which did not include anything anal. Decades later, I still summon Johnny into my masturbation dreams. I saw him only once after that summer, very briefly, but his impact has lasted ever since. And the memory has never faded.
Love affectionate sex videos like this one where the lovers really seem to enjoy themselves and each other ….
What a delicious day dream . I’m going to fantasize about this all day today. I hope no one is watching me do this because they will get an eyeful :-)
In the United States of America there is no federal law regulating the practice of tattooing. However, all 50 states and the District of Columbia have statutory laws requiring a person receiving a tattoo be at least 18 years old. This is partially based on the legal principle that a minor cannot enter into a legal contract or otherwise render informed consent for a procedure. Wikipedia

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