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Voicing Your Desires
Added: December 4, 2017 | Runtime: 14:55 | 7,790 views
It’s easy to fall into the same old patterns when having sex. You know the routine. You’ve been there before. But isn’t there something more exciting?
This video shows you just one of many new ways that you can interact with your partner to break the routine and go somewhere new. It’s great if you are in a long term relationship, or could even be a great suggestion for a hookup.
Look into eachother’s eyes. Connect with your partner, deep into their eyes.
When we connect with someone else, it can sometimes be difficult to ask for what you really want. Sometimes we are are afraid that they’ll say no. Or sometimes we might fear that they say yes.
In this game, you and your partner will take turns making requests of each other.
The trick in this game is to take a risk. To ask for what you never dared to ask for. To go with what you really want. In doing so, you are exposing yourself and your true wishes.
When your partner asks you to do something, check in with yourself to see if this is something you wish to give.
If you find that it crosses a boundary line for you, you can offer to do something instead, as an alternative. “I’m not able to do that for you but instead if I could offer you this”.
From a Tantric perspective, this game supports asking for what you truly want. And for the person doing the giving, they need to check in to see if they can give without crossing their no.
Both these roles help to create more honesty, more truth and to not be shy in really asking for what you want in the world. You might sometimes hear a No, but it is much better to hear a No than never to have made the request at all.
This is an example of how you might play this game. Remember to be creative. Also take the time out to check in with each other about how the experience was and what you learned about yourself and how you relate to each other.
What was surprising?
What did you already know?
Was there something you wanted but didn’t dare ask for?
How was it saying Yes or No?
How did it feel giving? How did it feel receiving?
Recent Comments:
Did not expect hard core porn from this site, but this was too vanilla soft. Also, the back ground music ( broke down wash machine) was not necessary. Davey you are going to have to brake down and show cock. Hard cock!
This is one of the most authentic representations I have ever seen of two gay men expressing their desires and being met. It's beautiful, and so exciting! It's so different than what we see in porn...so true to what deep, heart-centered intimacy can look like. For all of the cum shots we've seen, finally we get to see two men being REAL...deeply connected at heart, eye-to-eye. And SEX after doing this kind of exercise together must be fucking wonderful! Thank you, Davey, for giving us new ways to express ourselves with our lovers, fuckbuddies, and even with our hook-ups. Sex is destined to be a fuck of a lot more fun when we get connected. Thanks for showing us how. <3
This was a wonderful scene. The passion of another persons touch, of closeness, of in the moment of time. One of the best experiences a person could ever enjoy... Thank you
This is such a great exercise for promoting self confidence especially in intimate situations and a really great way to grow closer to a partner through communication and fun sensual time together.
Loving this video! I love the sounds that you make, Davey, as you receive pleasure. So tender. This video and the connection between you both, the comfort between you, turned me on and made my heart feel warm. Rad!
I loved seeing two men who were sensual and loving, yet such a turn on for not only the two of you, but for me, too. I could almost project myself as one who is participating by receiving and giving. This is exactly what I hope to do soon with another guy who feels the same interest in exploring each other's partnership.
wanna see davey's nipples sucked..
David Cameron
It's refreshing seeing men being nurturing...............
There are so few resources like this for gay men. Thank you for this. I will download it and play it for a date with whom I want to explore like this. Its so much better than trying to explain it to him.