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Diego Sans: The Bath
Watch Davey and friends discuss The Bath on Himeros LIVE, our weekly podcast.
Discover why we created The Bath on the Himeros.tv blog.
Do you know what you look like when you’re aroused?
It might sound like a funny question, but most people have never seen themselves while infused with sexual energy.
They are afraid they’ll look silly, or gross or their uncomfortable seeing themselves sexy - much less naked in front of a mirror.
Self-pleasuring in front of a mirror can be more empowering than you imagine. It’s not about your shape or size or age or speed or skill level. It’s about seeing yourself as a Sexual Being. It’s about allowing your whole body to express and move the hot and sexy feelings that, all too often, are shut down for fear that someone might see us.
Judgmental critics would say this kind of activity is too self-indulgent or narcissistic. Quite the contrary! We often learn the most from observing, especially when you observe yourself. Let your sexual energy envelop every part of your body. Let your imagination fuel your excitement. Let it build and reinforce your sex-esteem. Experiment with what it looks like to not care what others think and release your sexual power.
Let your sexual energy expand beyond your skin. See your sexiness in the mirror and all around the room. You are a Sexual Being and there’s no need to hide the beauty and hotness of who you are…
Featuring Men.com exclusive Diego Sans. Video concept developed by Dr. Jallen Rix: http://doctorrix.com/