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Tantric Seduction
It's common knowledge that the sexual spark between two men in a LTR will oftentimes fizzle, even if it began with regular, passionate sex. It is also common knowledge and cliche to tell couples that it takes work to keep this spark alive and to add variety to their sex lives. While adding toys, scheduling date nights and working with a sex coach or therapist are all valid options, oftentimes it’s just one half of the couple who is leading the mission to re-establish the sexual magic; the other half may feel that the amount of sex they’re having is just fine.
The dissatisfied man is usually the one with the higher sex drive and the other simply does not have as much sexual energy or desire. This can create a powerful imbalance that leads to deeper issues over time. Catching this trend in the early, subtle stages is ideal, but once this element has manifested in a relationship, what are some simple and practical actions that guys can do to help get them back on track that don’t require any financial or significant time commitment?
This video will offer a tried and true method for partners to affectionately bond together when one of them is not feeling horny for the night. Through this connection, they cultivate the sexual energy that inspires an unexpected evening of pleasure.
Video concept by Will Tantra: https://linktr.ee/tantricfitness