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Jack Off For Clarity

Added: May 21, 2018 | Runtime: 11:07 | 4,842 views

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We’ve done self-pleasuring videos, but this video is unique and special in that it actively shows the viewer how to completely release inhibitions, enter altered states of awareness, and access higher states of clarity and vision by way of ecstatic masturbation.

Would you believe me if I told you that jacking off is not only fun, but that it also can induce altered states of consciousness? This instructional video featuring Troy Accola offers you a step-by-step guide in how to use masturbation as a tool for clearing the mind and gaining some answers to life’s bigger questions. You’ll learn how to move energy from your cock and balls, up to higher energy centers of your body, heart, and mind, and you’ll walk away from your hot jack-off session with a new perspective on life.

Inspired by Brad Amberheart: http://www.bradamberheart.com

Recent Comments:
Masturbation is a beautiful gift we give to ourselves: deep communication within our inner consciousness, the pleasure of gentle touch and stroking (not just our cock, balls and anus, but also the rest of our bodies), the orgasm and our sacred nectars gushing forth all over us, and finally surrender to our desire to sleep. This is a wonderful, well-narrated video!
A nice load from a handsome young guy. Too bad nobody got yo taste it!
Masturbation as a path toward clarity — definitely!

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