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Discovering Your Ecstatic Body
Added: January 8, 2018 | Runtime: 20:23 | 16,777 views
Created by Jason Tantra of Tantra4GayMen.com, this is a partnered exercises designed to ignite your ecstatic body. Davey demonstrates the techniques on Chris Harder.
This video references the chakra masturbation video: http://himeros.tv/members/scenes/Chakra-Masturbation_vids.html
Recent Comments:
Alden Beane
OMG...so beautiful, sensuous and plain hot! Davey, I hope one day you are able to fully participate in the nakedness, without damage to your career/reputation, if that is your desire. IMHO your fans should see it as the natural progression of your experience which you have courageously shared with us. Thank you so much. When that day comes, I am sure you will be perfectly radiant, flawless and fabulous...lol...a girl can dream can she not!!!
I agree with the above comment Davey! While I completely understand the hesitation to "participate" in the nudity, I think it sends the wrong message if you're involved in scenes and not partaking fully! Himeros is about being unashamed and unbashed about your body and your sexuality. I think it would be positive and fantastic to see you more involved to a degree. As always keep up the amazing work! These are incredible films.
Oh Davey, you are so sexy! Please get naked too. What a thrill that would be.
Hey Davey! I'm less concerned with you getting naked, although yes that would be nice! ; ) But I love that you're introducing guys to the pleasures of tantra and the connections between breath, massage, yoga and eroticism. Learning these things has really changed my life over the past few years and I'm delighted to see many of those same practices here on Himeros. Wonderful! And I encourage everybody here to go deeper into these areas of sexy, juicy practice. There's plenty to read & watch (try Carrellas' "Urban Tantra" or Chia's "The Multi-Orgasmic Man") and there are tantra practitioners out there giving lots of workshops and taking clients. Enrich your pleasure!
These videos are the kinds of "porn" that I love to watch. So erotic, so sensual. So raw.
Sidenote - I could listen to Davey read the encyclopedia in that tone of voice, and be happy with my day ^__^
Although the concept is nice, the fake moans and the flaccid penis ruined it. I mean how can he not get hard??
I agree with Harry, how can you not get hard, but that seems to be the scenario in a lot of these videos.
Though I appreciate the concept as well, I really feel like you're taking this too seriously. Yoga, meditation, ecstasy, they can all be enjoyable and lead to laughter, openness, and smiling - two people happy to be together. I feel like these videos are dancing around connection a little bit. Also I feel like Precious boy could moan like that while brushing his teeth. I feel like modern life lacks connection, porn lacks connection, but these videos don't have to!
More hardcore please. I love the concept of the site, it's just a little too much body exploration with dramatic orgasims right now..This site has huge educational and hardcore potential.
People who had experiences like this one in this video, they know how this guy feels and that this "dramatic orgasms" can be completely real! Once I had 75 minutes of orgasms.
Thank you for bringing something new! FINALLY. Touch is sensual and so important. More please.
One think. Would be nice to have so gros plan (wide shoots) so we can see the whole body and the persons face, how it reacts on this kind of pleasure.