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Bonus: Celebrating Gay Sex

Added: April 5, 2018 | Runtime: 02:50 | 12,329 views

**In addition to this week's video, enjoy this special bonus!**

This video contains a beautiful poem written by Brad Amberheart that celebrates gay sex and gay men everywhere. In the desert outside Palm Springs, we thought it would be fun to film Josh Brady and Pierce Paris expressing their love as the backdrop.

As much as having sex is about cocks, butts and mouths, tongues, arms and legs, it’s more-so about two people with whole bodies and whole hearts.

All people on Earth deserve to be loved, held, nourished and adored. All of us appreciate these gifts - and even though these gifts are free, they seem hard to come by… especially in our sex lives.

Why wouldn’t we treat our sex partners as precious fellow human beings, worthy of love and affection - even for an hour? Why not practice the peace and love we want in the world in our bedrooms - and with our sex?

Even if it’s someone you just met, see what happens - as you go down on his wonderful cock - if you consciously adore him and his body… and say to yourself, “I love this man… this beautiful being with whom I share the same Earth, the same home. I bless him and send him smiles, warmth and laughter.”

See yourself smiling while you suck cock and fuck. See him smiling at his office or when he goes home. And notice… how much better do you feel about this encounter than usual?


This video is inspired by Brad Amberheart: http://www.bradamberheart.com.

Recent Comments:
Loving ourselves fully unlocks erotic power and beauty of our own authentic expressions. Thank you for a beautiful video.
Once again you have out done yourselves in providing us a beautiful and loving expression of male to male love. I am so happy that you are in Palm Springs since it is an area that I love and visit.....one of many best parts of gay love, guy and guy, is exactly how you displayed it. I love holding my lover and entwine our bodies together for that unique feeling of skin on skin. Rubbing each other, moving all around, feeling, loving and exploring each other while kissing and receiving male strength throughout our bodies. Thanks for reminding all of us that men can love other men and I'm one who identifies with your entire video.
This is perfectly done and very well stated!
Beautiful video!!!
Great verbal conclusion to the piece by Davey: "See him smiling as you suck his cock."
I love what I see in this video and long for the warm embrace of another man who I love and give myself totally to and he to me!

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